Covid Congress is DELAYING COVID-19 Economic Recovery: Heritage’s Romina Boccia on Fox News The Heritage FoundationMay 28, 2020 Romina Boccia joined Fox News on May 28, 2020 to discuss the Democrats’ $600 a week unemployment insurance bonus and the GOP... 1017000
Covid No Government Bailouts for Fiscally Irresponsible States: Heritage’s Romina Boccia on Fox News The Heritage FoundationMay 28, 2020 Romina Boccia joined Fox News on May 28, 2020 to discuss how state and local bailouts would force taxpayers to subsidize poor decisi... 1313400
Covid Expeditiously Reopen America: Rob Bluey The Heritage FoundationMay 11, 2020 Rob Bluey joined One America News to provide an update from the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission. Learn more about this issu... 69700