Train Christians Answering Your Questions about the Bible administratorMay 12, 2023 Many people have lots of questions about the Bible. Questions of how reliable it is, how the Bible came to be and how true the Bible... 229800
Train Christians What Was It About the Gospels That Convinced You They Were Reliable? administratorOctober 31, 2022 For more information, read Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels ( 62500
Biblical Worldview How Deathbed Experiences Point to the Supernatural Sean McDowellNovember 17, 2021 Dr. Steve Miller believes that deathbed experiences provide stronger evidence for supernaturalism than the traditional arguments for... 43300
Biblical Worldview The Latest Evidence for Modern Miracles Sean McDowellOctober 13, 2021 What’s the evidence miracles really happen TODAY? How reliable are the accounts? In this video, I talk with NT scholar Craig S... 46500
Gender IdentitySex Education Does the Bible Limit Gender to Just Male and Female Stand to ReasonOctober 6, 2021 Alan Shlemon responds to a trendy new argument that claims that a non-binary interpretation can be imposed on the Genesis account of... 112400
Biblical Worldview A Quest for the Historical Adam: A Conversation with William Lane Craig Sean McDowellSeptember 22, 2021 Were Adam and Eve historical? Is belief in an original couple compatible with science? In this interview, I talk with philosopher Wi... 42800
Biblical Worldview Roe vs. Wade Ending? A Challenge from the Medical Community Sean McDowellSeptember 10, 2021 Will the Supreme Court overrule Roe vs. Wade? What is the heart of the medical case against abortion rights? In this video, I interv... 451300
Biblical Worldview What I Wish Christians Knew about the Bible: A Conversation with Dr. Michael Bird Sean McDowellAugust 11, 2021 What are the most common mistakes Christians make when approaching the Bible? In this video, I interview Dr. Michael Bird about his... 461400
Biblical Worldview Your Toughest Questions on Heaven Answered: A Conversation with Randy Alcorn Sean McDowellAugust 6, 2021 Will there be animals in heaven? How can Christians enjoy Heaven if their loved ones are in Hell? In this video, I ask Randy Alcorn... 291500