New World Order BRAINWASHED: How Black Lives Matter Hijacked Our Schools Preview (PROMO) Glenn BeckAugust 26, 2020 WATCH the full special: Leaked documents reveal exactly how the Left is turning our chil... 4710300
Plots To Change America Identity Politics Leads to Victimhood, Which Leads to Chaos | Mike Gonzalez on Jim Bohannon Show The Heritage FoundationAugust 24, 2020 Mike Gonzalez joined “The Jim Bohannon Show,” Friday, August 21, to talk about the latest on identity politics, why iden... 514000
Plots To Change America UNCOVERING Marxism’s Major Weakness | Feat. Michael Knowles The Heritage FoundationAugust 11, 2020 Heritage Foundation expert Mike Gonzalez believes human nature can’t be changed — especially the way the Marxists want it to be chan... 2512000
Plots To Change America MICHAEL KNOWLES: “The Common Thread Seems to be Karl Marx” The Heritage FoundationAugust 10, 2020 Many of those leading pushes for a leftist agenda to take root in the U.S. are influenced by a radical ideology: marxism. Heritage e... 711500
Plots To Change America Consequences of Identity Politics | Feat. Michael Knowles and Mike Gonzalez The Heritage FoundationAugust 7, 2020 From the anarchy in Portland to the New York Times’ 1619 Project, and even the Black Lives Matter organization stem from ident... 415900
Plots To Change America What Americans Must Know About Socialism The Heritage FoundationAugust 5, 2020 Socialism is not what it purports to be. It doesn’t mean common ownership and shared responsibility. It means that the government ma... 3110700
Plots To Change America The Plot To Change America: How Identity Politics Divides America | Feat. Michael Knowles The Heritage FoundationAugust 4, 2020 Want to know why there are riots in our streets and the country appears to be completely divided? It didn’t happen organically, and... 2715000
Critical Race Theory Wokeism at Work: How “Critical Theory” and Anti-Racism Training Divide America The Heritage FoundationJuly 27, 2020 Following the death of George Floyd, books such as White Fragility rose on bestseller lists and “anti-racist” training programs saw... 2613200
New World Order Should Black Lives Matter be considered a TERRORIST organization? | Glenn TV Preview Glenn BeckJuly 24, 2020 Intelligence Fusion, a threat assessment firm, recently released to the public an evaluation of Black Lives Matter that concluded th... 499300