New World Order Radical revolution is HERE: Black Lives Matter & radical Islamists UNITE to DISMANTLE the West Glenn BeckJuly 23, 2020 It’s not that radical Islamists are INFILTRATING our government…they’ve been welcomed and INTEGRATED into it, than... 4212900
New World Order Here are the STATISTICS: ‘Black Lives Matter’ attack on the nuclear family is DANGEROUS Glenn BeckJuly 16, 2020 One of the most dangerous targets in the current crosshairs of Black Lives Matter is the nuclear family. Just like Karl Marx, BLM op... 318900
New World Order TIMELINE: Only SIX PERCENT of ‘Black Lives Matter’ donations make it to local chapters?! Glenn BeckJune 25, 2020 You might not have donated money to Black Lives Matter, but millions of Americans have. We followed the money, and it turns out only... 384400
Prager 5 Minute Videos The Ferguson Lie PragerUJune 22, 2020 Most people think they know what happened in Ferguson, MO on August 9, 2014. Most people are wrong. Radio host and author Larry Elde... 405500
New World Order Movement OR religion? How social justice, BLM, anti-racist mobs operate like CULTS Glenn BeckJune 18, 2020 Anti-racist mobs may operate more like a cult than a social justice movement. Glenn shows how today’s “woke” Ameri... 4810100
Plots To Change America ANDY NGO: Antifa’s Plan to Undermine Liberal Democracy The Heritage FoundationNovember 7, 2019 A far-left revolutionary movement calling itself Antifa has organized mass violence on the streets of major American cities. Journal... 3415900
Plots To Change America Daniel Di Martino Finds Hope in America After Escaping Socialist Venezuela The Heritage FoundationNovember 4, 2019 Daniel Di Martino grew up amid violence, poverty, and corruption in socialist Venezuela. Luckily, he escaped those horrors and began... 4413200
Prager 5 Minute Videos Are The Police Racist? | 5 Minute Video PragerUAugust 22, 2016 Are the police racist? Do they disproportionately shoot African-Americans? Are incidents in places like Ferguson and Baltimore evide... 402900
Prager 5 Minute Videos Black Fathers Matter | 5 Minute Video PragerUJune 13, 2016 Which poses a bigger threat to black communities: Racism? Or the absence of fathers? Drawing on a sea of official data and his own u... 445500