Train Christians Why Is It So Challenging to Write Apologetics Books for the Church? administratorNovember 14, 2022 For more information, read Person of Interest: Why Jesus Still Matters in a World that Rejects the Bible ( R... 72100
Biblical Worldview Attitudes Towards the Resurrection of Jesus have Changed Radically Sean McDowellFebruary 22, 2021 How does the state of research on the resurrection TODAY compare with a few decades ago? This video is part of the grad class I teac... 339000
Biblical Worldview Behind the Scenes with William Lane Craig Sean McDowellDecember 2, 2020 Everybody loves a good story! William Lane Craig is one of the leading philosophers in the world, but in this interview, he shares s... 247400
Biblical Worldview Untold Stories from Josh McDowell: A Conversation Sean McDowellJune 21, 2020 My father, Josh McDowell, has been speaking, writing, and debating for over 55 years +. He is truly a pioneer in the modern apologet... 443300
Apologetics Top Christian Resources Stand to ReasonApril 22, 2020 Jonathan Noyes of Stand to Reason shares his top favorite books for the study of Christian apologetics and theology. This video orig... 2800