Education Biden’s Swampy Stimulus Package Fails Working Americans | Joel Griffith on Fox News The Heritage FoundationJanuary 15, 2021 Joel Griffith joined Fox News on January 15, 2021 to break down Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus plan. Learn more about this iss... 3610900
Covid Congress is DELAYING COVID-19 Economic Recovery: Heritage’s Romina Boccia on Fox News The Heritage FoundationMay 28, 2020 Romina Boccia joined Fox News on May 28, 2020 to discuss the Democrats’ $600 a week unemployment insurance bonus and the GOP... 1017000
Education Congress Must Do Its Part on the Budget The Heritage FoundationFebruary 26, 2020 The president’s annual budget proposal should serve as a road map to Congress for how the executive and legislative branches can wor... 58400
Education Is the U.S. Fiscal Situation Dangerous and Unsustainable? The Heritage FoundationFebruary 6, 2020 This year’s deficit pours more gasoline on an already raging fiscal fire. The good news is there is still time to change course and... 88400
Gender Identity Does the Gender Wage Gap Exist? The Heritage FoundationAugust 7, 2019 The Gender Wage Gap has become a major political talking point that has even inspired an “Equal Pay Day.” Despite what the liberal p... 1714700
Education The Worst Spending Deal in a Decade The Heritage FoundationJuly 26, 2019 The House just passed a massive budget deal. The bill once again busts spending caps set in 2011. Americans should be alarmed. While... 75300
Cultural Issues America’s Biggest Issues: Spending The Heritage FoundationJuly 22, 2019 Despite their promises to the contrary, every year, politicians continue to spend hundreds of billions of dollars more than the gove... 2114600
Prager 5 Minute Videos Government: Is it Ever Big Enough? | 5 Minute Video PragerUMarch 14, 2016 Can the government ever be too big? How much spending is enough spending? And if there can be too much spending, where is that point... 492300
Education Washington’s Spending Problem | The Heritage Foundation The Heritage FoundationFebruary 12, 2016 You would think hitting $19 trillion in debt would be a serious wake-up call for Washington. But that’s not the case in Washin... 32400