New World Order Glenn Beck Makes the MORAL Case for Mass Deportation | Glenn TV | Ep 383 Glenn BeckOctober 3, 2024 America’s political and military enemies are using asymmetric warfare on us, and we don’t even know it. Their means of attack? Immig... 378700
Biblical Worldview Examining the Case for the Christian Faith (with Doug Groothuis) Sean McDowellJuly 25, 2022 How strong is the evidence for Christianity? How has the evidence, and issues, changed over the past few decades. Dr. Doug Groothuis... 242200
Biblical Worldview Avoiding Big Mistakes in Defending the Bible: Interview with Dr. Peter Gurry Sean McDowellMay 6, 2020 Well-meaning apologist have made some big mistakes when defending the reliability of the New Testament. I interview Dr. Peter Gurry,... 347100
Biblical Worldview The Case for the Resurrection: A Conversation with Lee Strobel Sean McDowellApril 7, 2020 Sean McDowell and Lee Strobel talk about the compelling evidence for the resurrection and take live questions about hearing from God... 413000