Covid Why Does Anyone Believe China’s COVID Lies? | Dakota Wood on Fox Business The Heritage FoundationJune 23, 2021 Heritage’s Dakota Wood joined Fox Business, Tuesday, June 22, to talk about China and the coronavirus, why it’s absurd f... 419400
Prager 5 Minute Videos Get Politics Out of Sports PragerUJune 21, 2021 Sports is the great unifier. It brings people of all races and backgrounds together. Or at least, it did. Podcaster and writer Jason... 4410900
Covid China Is Exploiting Biden’s Weakness | James Carafano on Holding China Accountable for COVID The Heritage FoundationJune 19, 2021 Heritage’s James Carafano joined Fox Business, Friday, June 18, to talk about the latest on China, the Biden administration... 1420100
Covid China’s Hiding the Truth From the World Health Organization | James Carafano on C-SPAN The Heritage FoundationApril 5, 2021 Jim Carafano joined C-SPAN on April 5, 2021 to discuss the WHO’s report on the origins of the coronavirus. James Jay Carafano,... 1115400
Prager 5 Minute Videos Did Capitalism Save Communist China? PragerUMarch 15, 2021 How did one of the world’s poorest countries—China—become, in thirty years, one of the world’s richest? The answer is surprisingly s... 3511700
Immigration We Are in a Crisis on the Southwest Border | Chad Wolf on Cheddar The Heritage FoundationMarch 3, 2021 Heritage Foundation Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Cheddar TV, Wednesday, March 3, to talk about the January 6th riots, the crisis... 1150500
Covid China’s Latest COVID-19 Lie | Lt. Col. Carafano on Fox Business The Heritage FoundationFebruary 16, 2021 James Carafano joined Fox Business to talk about the World Health Organization’s report on the origins or the coronavirus. Lea... 1916300
Covid The #1 Threat America Faces From China Is… | Lt. Col. Carafano on Fox Business The Heritage FoundationFebruary 11, 2021 James Carafano joined Fox Business to discuss how China is using Huawei to become the worlds information superpower and threaten Ame... 1317800
Immigration Biden’s Top 5 Foreign Policy Mistakes So Far | Lt. Col. James Carafano on OAN The Heritage FoundationFebruary 8, 2021 James Carafano joined One America News to unpack the unforced, disappointing failures from Biden’s first few weeks in office.... 510100