Covid 3 Key Ways to Punish China & Rebuild America | James Carafano on Fox News The Heritage FoundationMay 10, 2020 James Carafano joined Fox News, Saturday, May 9, to talk about the latest about China, the need to get America get back up and runni... 3912500
Covid Lies, Intimidation and Obstruction Are China’s Playbook | Dean Cheng on Breitbart News Tonight The Heritage FoundationMay 6, 2020 Dean Cheng joined “Breitbart News Tonight,” Tuesday, May 6, to talk about the latest from China, the Chinese Communist P... 2311500
Covid China Isn’t Leading — It’s Cowering and Afraid | James Carafano on Fox Business The Heritage FoundationMay 6, 2020 James Carafano joined Fox Business, Tuesday, May 5, to talk about the latest from China, the Chinese Communist Party’s lies an... 2912100
Covid World Angrier at China Than It Has Been in 30 Years: James Carafano to TRT World The Heritage FoundationMay 5, 2020 James Carafano joined TRT World, Monday, May 4, to talk about the latest from China, the Chinese Communist Party’s coverup of... 285700
Covid Don’t Trust China, Hold Them Accountable: Dakota Wood on Fox Business The Heritage FoundationMay 4, 2020 Dakota Wood joined Fox Business, Monday, May 4, to talk about the latest from China, the Chinese effort to coverup the coronavirus o... 4312600
Covid China Wants to Take Down the U.S. to Accomplish Its Goals — Dean Cheng on Fox News The Heritage FoundationMay 4, 2020 Dean Cheng joined Fox News, Monday, May 4, to talk about the latest from China, Beijing’s coverup of the coronavirus outbreak,... 2011800
Covid 10 Key Steps to Defeat China: James Carafano Talks With Seb Gorka The Heritage FoundationMay 4, 2020 James Carafano joined “America First With Seb Gorka,” Friday, May 1, to talk about the latest from China, the need for t... 4510900
Covid U.S.-China Relations Have Reached the Breaking Point — James Carafano on Newsy The Heritage FoundationMay 4, 2020 James Carafano joined Newsy, Thursday, April 30, to talk about the latest on U.S.-China relations, what the U.S. can do to punish Ch... 439400
Covid China Has Not Been Honest About Coronavirus — Helle Dale on BBC News The Heritage FoundationApril 28, 2020 Helle Dale joined BBC News, Tuesday, April 28, to talk about the latest on the coronavirus, the American response to China’s l... 98600