Different Religions Ex-Satanist Gets Baptized and THIS Happened #christianity #testimony #shorts Sean McDowellJune 12, 2024 HOW and WHY would former Satanist convert to Christianity? Why did she leave the Satanic Temple and join the Christian church? My gu... 911200
Different Religions Ex-Satanist SPEAKS OUT After Leaving Occult #testimony #interview #shorts Sean McDowellJune 5, 2024 HOW and WHY would former Satanist convert to Christianity? Why did she leave the Satanic Temple and join the Christian church? My gu... 312300
Train Christians Are People Leaving the Church? administratorSeptember 20, 2023 September 28, 2023 Christ Revealed Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@ChristRevealed For more information about J. Warner’s books: Cold-Case Christianit... 2134900
Train Christians 5 Responses to Common Christian Objections administratorApril 6, 2023 If you were having a conversation with a non-believer would you have a quick response to their objections? The intellectual aspect o... 3311800
Evil and Suffering Is “Pro-Forced Birth” a More Accurate Term than “Pro-Life”? Stand to ReasonSeptember 11, 2021 Greg responds to a tweet by Jameela Jamil claiming “pro-forced birth” is a more accurate term than “pro-life,” then he answers quest... 2119600
Apologetics Alan Shlemon: Teaching Egyptian Pastors | Stand to Reason Podcast Stand to ReasonSeptember 4, 2021 Greg talks to Alan about his recent experience teaching Egyptian pastors and the unique difficulties they face, then he answers a qu... 46100
Different Religions Why Even Atheists Should Teach Their Children about God PragerUAugust 9, 2021 As a therapist, Erica Komisar is often asked by parents, “How do I talk to my child about death if I don’t believe in God or heaven?... 4015600
Bible Prophecy How Is the Culture Impacting the Church? administratorApril 9, 2021 For more information, read Forensic Faith: A Homicide Detective Makes the Case for a More Reasonable, Evidential Christian Faith (ht... 49800
Critical Race Theory Neil Shenvi on Critical Theory and Christianity Stand to ReasonJuly 24, 2020 Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason interviews Neil Shenvi on the worldview implications of Critical Theory and how it relates to Christia... 1714100