New World Order Yes, We’re in a Cold War with China: The Playbook to Take Down the US EXPOSED | Glenn TV | Ep 252 Glenn BeckFebruary 15, 2023 Did the Chinese spy balloon incident FINALLY wake up Washington? A recently leaked memo from the head of the U.S. Mobility Command c... 416700
Prager 5 Minute Videos China’s Social Credit System PragerUApril 25, 2022 In the past, the Social Credit System existed only in the world of science fiction. In the present, it’s happening in China. In the... 2614200
Prager 5 Minute Videos Ronald Reagan: The Great Communicator PragerUFebruary 22, 2022 Few presidents have connected with the American people like Ronald Reagan did. Through a combination of persuasion and policy, our 4... 4016100
Critical Race Theory 5 Myths of Critical Race Theory (BUSTED) The Heritage FoundationFebruary 2, 2022 When parents and concerned Americans started calling out and pushing back against the rise of CRT, the political left frantically re... 2519400
Plots To Change America Sebastian Gorka’s Fight Against Communism: The Story Behind it All The Heritage FoundationJanuary 3, 2022 During an event at The Heritage Foundation, Sebastian Gorka explained an intimate encounter with the brutality and cruelty of commun... 815500
Plots To Change America Everything She Saw During China’s Cultural Revolution is Happening in the U.S. The Heritage FoundationDecember 14, 2021 #MaoZedong #China #CCP #Communism #CulturalRevolution She started seeing the signs years ago: Children in the U.S. don’t know about... 4220900
Plots To Change America Who Were the Victims of Communism? Professor Alan Kors Explains The Heritage FoundationDecember 13, 2021 Sobering remarks from Alan Charles Kors marking the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Soviet Union—reflecting on the millions of p... 2115900
Plots To Change America Communism’s Dark Tyranny: The 30th Anniversary of the Collapse of the Soviet Union The Heritage FoundationDecember 9, 2021 Join us as leading experts discuss why the Soviet Union was evil, why it collapsed, and yet why the allure of socialism persists tod... 2020500
Critical Race Theory The Media Won’t Honestly Cover Black Lives Matter, So I Did It | Mike Gonzalez on Fox News The Heritage FoundationOctober 16, 2021 Heritage’s Mike Gonzalez joined Fox News, Saturday, October 16, to talk about the latest on the Black Lives Matter organizatio... 3717100