Immigration Democrats Are Trying To Use Illegal Immigrants To Gain Seats In Congress: Hans von Spakovsky The Heritage FoundationMay 4, 2021 Hans von Spakovsky joined The Tipping Point on One America News to discuss the US census results and how Democrats are trying to use... 157600
Immigration Joe Biden & Kamala Harris Are Trying to Distract from Border Crisis | Ken Cuccinelli on Fox Business The Heritage FoundationApril 30, 2021 Heritage Visiting Fellow Ken Cuccinelli joined Fox Business, Thursday, April 29, to talk about the border crisis, why illegal immigr... 97200
Immigration The Left Sees the Border Crisis As a “Voter Registration Line” | Ken Cuccinelli on Newsmax TV The Heritage FoundationApril 29, 2021 Heritage Visiting Fellow Ken Cuccinelli joined Newsmax TV, Thursday, April 29, to talk about the latest on the border crisis, Pres.... 75300
Election Integrity The Left is Lying in Criticisms of Georgia Voting Law | Hans von Spakovsky The Heritage FoundationApril 14, 2021 Hans von Spakovsky joined Washington Watch to discuss Georgia’s new voting law and compared it to the voting laws of other sta... 410700
Election Integrity HR1 Would Further Weaken Americans’ Faith In Our Elections: Hans von Spakovsky The Heritage FoundationApril 13, 2021 Hans von Spakovsky joined Live from Studio 6B on Real America’s Voice TV to discuss the Left’s attempts to remove electi... 514100
Election Integrity Voting Must be Both Accessible and Secure: Hans von Spakovsky The Heritage FoundationApril 6, 2021 Hans von Spakovsky joined Cornerstone Conversations with Dr. Ben Carson to discuss the Left’s attempts to remove election secu... 58600
Election Integrity Debunking The Left’s False Claims About Georgia’s Election Reform Law: Hans von Spakovsky The Heritage FoundationApril 6, 2021 Hans von Spakovsky joined Christian Broadcasting News to discuss the false claims the Left is spreading about election reform initia... 811200
Election Integrity Dem Asks House to ‘Depart from Iowa Law’ To Overturn GOP Congresswoman’s Win: Hans von Spakovsky The Heritage FoundationMarch 24, 2021 Hans von Spakovsky joined The Tipping Point on One America News to discuss Democrat Rita Hart’s attempt to overturn the result... 1815600
Election Integrity HR 1 Makes It Easy for People to Vote Illegally: Hans von Spakovsky Speaks with Mark Levin The Heritage FoundationMarch 15, 2021 Hans von Spakovsky joined Life Liberty & Levin on Fox News to explain how the Democrats’ HR1 would remove critical electi... 711400