Immigration Immigrants Should Not Be on Welfare. Here’s Why: The Heritage FoundationOctober 16, 2019 For 200 years, immigrants have been coming to the United States without receiving welfare. In fact, they could be denied entry if i... 1514000
Prager 5 Minute Videos How to Solve America’s Spending Problem | 5 Minute Video PragerUSeptember 29, 2014 Everyone complains about America’s debt, and rightly so, but how do we get out of it? As Cato Institute’s Michael Tanner... 41900
Education Omnibus Spending Bill: More of the Same The Heritage FoundationDecember 16, 2010 Despite promises from President Obama... 146800
Education Government Must Cut Spending The Heritage FoundationDecember 2, 2010 The government can cut roughly $343 billion from the federal budget and they can do so immediately. source 187300
Education China’s Economic Influence The Heritage FoundationJanuary 19, 2010 Derek Scissors, Ph.D., The Heritage Foundations Research Fellow in Asia Economic Policy, debunks the myth that China is Americas ban... 54800
Education Why the New Economic Stimulus Bill Will Fail The Heritage FoundationSeptember 18, 2008 The new economic stimulus bill poses these three problems: 1) It increases govern... 82800
Education Five Misconceptions About the National Debt The Heritage FoundationSeptember 12, 2008 Five Misconceptions About the National Debt 1)The proper measure is the total debt and not yearly deficits. 2)The national debt is a... 326800