Election Integrity Inaccurate Voter Registration Lists Could Contribute to Voter Fraud | Hans von Spakovsky The Heritage FoundationNovember 10, 2020 Hans von Spakovsky joined Fox Business on November 10, 2020, to discuss Pres. Trump’s election lawsuits. Learn more about this... 3015200
Election Integrity Make No Mistake — Radicals Are Going to Riot After the Election | James Carafano to Seb Gorka The Heritage FoundationNovember 2, 2020 James Carafano joined “America First With Seb Gorka,” Friday, October 30, to talk about the latest on the coming violenc... 2615300
Prager 5 Minute Videos Defining Liberty PragerUNovember 2, 2020 The Framers wrote the Constitution to protect the liberty of American citizens. But what exactly did “liberty” mean to them? More im... 3211000
Prager 5 Minute Videos How to Steal an Election: Mail-In Ballots PragerUOctober 12, 2020 What’s the difference between absentee balloting and universal mail-in balloting? The latter might sound like a great idea, but is i... 209300
Election Integrity It’s Foolish to Push All-Mail Elections | Hans von Spakovsky on Newsmax The Heritage FoundationMay 28, 2020 Hans von Spakovsky joined Newsmax’s Spicer & Co on May 27, 2020, to discuss the many problems with mail-in voting and why... 49300
Election Integrity Mail-In Ballots Are The Greatest Risk For Election Fraud: Hans von Spakovsky The Heritage FoundationMay 1, 2020 Hans von Spakovsky joined America First with Sebastian Gorka to discuss using a mail-in ballot system in the 2020 presidential elect... 3214600
Prager 5 Minute Videos Is Voter Fraud Real? PragerUFebruary 24, 2020 What is the greatest threat to free and fair elections in America? Here’s a hint: it’s not Russia or any other foreign power. It’s n... 229000
Prager 5 Minute Videos The Myth of Voter Suppression | 5 Minute Video PragerUDecember 2, 2019 Do Republicans win elections by preventing minorities from voting? The Left says yes, but the data says no. Jason Riley, senior fell... 375900
Bible Prophecy Bible Prophecy – Happening Now Live from Israel with Amir Tsarfati (April 2019) Real Life with Jack HibbsApril 3, 2019 Pastor Jack Hibbs and Amir Tsarfati from Behold Israel ministries discuss bible prophecy and the latest developments in the Middle E... 4310000