Train Christians Why Call It “Faith” If You’re Examining the Evidence for Christianity? administratorAugust 8, 2022 For more information, read Forensic Faith: A Homicide Detective Makes the Case for a More Reasonable, Evidential Christian Faith (ht... 91700
Biblical Worldview Progressive Christianity: A Biblical Response (with Michael Kruger) Sean McDowellJune 8, 2022 What are the ten commandments of progressive Christianity? Based on a list of ten principles put forth by an influential progressive... 351100
Biblical Worldview The Key Issue Dividing Progressive and Evangelical Christians Sean McDowellDecember 31, 2021 What is the difference between progressive Christians and evangelicals? As this video illustrates, one key issue is how they each ap... 26900
Different Religions How Did the Universe Begin? — Science and God PragerUDecember 20, 2021 Was the universe always here, or did it have a beginning? If so, how did it start? Mankind has debated these questions for centuries... 2912900
Different Religions Are Religion and Science in Conflict? — Science and God PragerUDecember 20, 2021 Does belief in God get in the way of science? The idea that science and religion are inevitably in conflict is a popular way of thin... 2012100
Biblical Worldview A Quest for the Historical Adam: A Conversation with William Lane Craig Sean McDowellSeptember 22, 2021 Were Adam and Eve historical? Is belief in an original couple compatible with science? In this interview, I talk with philosopher Wi... 422500
Apologetics Believe in Anything? | Stand to Reason Podcast Stand to ReasonSeptember 17, 2021 Greg describes an interaction he had with someone wearing a mask that said simply, “Believe,” then he answers your questions. 0:00 I... 27200
Biblical Worldview Why A Navy Seal Became an Apologist Sean McDowellSeptember 17, 2021 How did former Navy Seal Chad Williams become a Christian? And how does he uniquely approach defending the Christian faith? In this... 482200
Different Religions Why Even Atheists Should Teach Their Children about God PragerUAugust 9, 2021 As a therapist, Erica Komisar is often asked by parents, “How do I talk to my child about death if I don’t believe in God or heaven?... 4015600