Gender Identity Fair Play? Women’s Athletics in the Age of Gender Identity The Heritage FoundationApril 8, 2019 Title IX was created in order to ensure that women had access to equal opportunities as men, including in sports. Now that legacy is... 2115600
Gender Identity Radical Feminist: The Equality Act Would Hurt Women The Heritage FoundationApril 4, 2019 Kara Dansky is a Board Member of the Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF), the radical feminist organization that filed a lawsuit a... 2217200
Gender Identity Feminist Activist Reveals The Inequality of the Equality Act The Heritage FoundationApril 4, 2019 Jennifer Chavez is a feminist, secularist, lawyer, and mother. She has served on the board of the Women’s Liberation Front (Wo... 2518700
Gender Identity Lesbian Feminist Explains How The Equality Act Promotes Inequality The Heritage FoundationApril 4, 2019 Julia Beck is a writer and organizer from Baltimore, Maryland. She helps produce a monthly radio broadcast for Women’s Liberat... 4320900
Gender Identity Doctors Gave Her Daughter Hormone Treatments (And She Couldn’t Stop Them) The Heritage FoundationApril 4, 2019 “Elaine” (pseudonym) is the mother of a daughter suffering from gender dysphoria. She shared the pain and heartbreak of watching her... 2514100
Gender Identity The Medical Harms of Hormonal and Surgical Interventions for Gender Dysphoric Children The Heritage FoundationMarch 28, 2019 When it comes to treating young people who believe they are the opposite sex, who either suffer from gender dysphoria or self-identi... 3513000
Gender Identity Protecting the Rights of Women and Girls in the Age of Gender Identity | The Heritage Foundation The Heritage FoundationMarch 25, 2019 Since the UN Commission on the Status of Women first met at Lake Success, NY in 1947, discussions of women’s equality have foc... 109200
Gender Identity The Inequality of the Equality Act: Concerns from the Left The Heritage FoundationJanuary 28, 2019 Who could be against a law that promises equality and bans discrimination? Parents who’ve already experienced grief, despair, and wi... 2910100