The Truth A Response to Genetically Modified Skeptic Part 2 — Stand to Reason Podcast Stand to ReasonFebruary 25, 2022 Greg Koukl and Jon Noyes respond to a video by @GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic (Drew McCoy) that critiques one of Greg’s STR U courses.... 107700
Different Religions A Response to Genetically Modified Skeptic Part 1 — Stand to Reason Podcast Stand to ReasonFebruary 25, 2022 Greg Koukl and Jon Noyes respond to a video by @GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic (Drew McCoy) that critiques one of Greg’s STR U courses.... 161500
Biblical Worldview How do we help kids who doubt their faith? Let’s ask a skeptic! Sean McDowellJune 21, 2021 How should a Christian parent react to a child that is question the Christian faith? How can both the child and the parent set bound... 4216500
Different Religions Atheist YouTubers Critique My Atheist Role Play, I Respond Sean McDowellJune 14, 2021 Two popular atheist YouTubers recently did a response video to my “atheist encounter,” in which I role-played an atheist... 3917200