Bible Prophecy Why Moral Truth Most Reasonably Points to the Existence of God administratorMarch 7, 2017 For more information, read God’s Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe (htt... 14300
The Truth Why Objective Moral Truth Is Best Explained by the Existence of God (Part 1) administratorJune 25, 2015 For more information, read God’s Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe (htt... 14300
The Truth Tim Barnett: Did God Create Evil? Stand to ReasonJune 9, 2015 Evil is something real that we all experience. However, evil is not some thing. That is to say, it’s not a thing in itself. Th... 62400
Daniel What the Idea of “Holiness” Means in the Bible BibleProjectMarch 17, 2015 In this video, we explore the paradox that God’s holiness presents to human beings. God is the unique and set-apart Creator of all r... 493200