Different Religions Why You Should Care About Passover PragerUMarch 8, 2022 What is the oldest holiday that people still celebrate today? Christmas? Easter? Halloween? Good guesses, but all incorrect. Dennis... 4365200
Ezekiel Iniquity BibleProjectSeptember 7, 2018 Iniquity is a biblical word that very few people use anymore, and even fewer people know what it means! In this video, we’ll explore... 318300
Daniel What It Means to Love God With “All Your Strength” BibleProjectFebruary 15, 2018 What does it mean to love God “with all of your strength”? In this final installment of our videos on the Shema, we expl... 414800
Genesis What It Means to Love God With “All Your Soul” BibleProjectNovember 9, 2017 We explore the Hebrew word “nephesh” that often gets translated as “soul.” The English word usually refers t... 247900
Daniel What It Means to Love God With “All Your Heart” BibleProjectAugust 31, 2017 Different cultures have different conceptions of the human heart, what it is and what it does, and the biblical authors are no excep... 373600
Daniel What It Means to “Love” God (With All Your Heart, Soul and Strength) BibleProjectJuly 20, 2017 Let’s talk about love, Old Testament style! In this video, we’ll explore the various ways the Hebrew authors used the wo... 303900
Jeremiah God's Name Has Changed?! (Learn Its Interesting Biblical History) BibleProjectJune 1, 2017 Yahweh, Adonai, LORD, Jehovah… God seems to have a lot of names, what exactly am I supposed to call Him? We invite you into th... 282800