Election Integrity Sean Hannity to President Trump: Heritage Election Fraud Database Demonstrates Threat of Voter Fraud The Heritage FoundationOctober 2, 2020 On October 1, Fox News host Sean Hannity explained how Heritage’s Election Fraud Database clearly demonstrates the threat of v... 2110900
Election Integrity The FBI Must Investigate Alleged Voter Fraud In Rep. Ilhan Omar’s District: Hans von Spakovksy The Heritage FoundationSeptember 30, 2020 Hans von Spakovsky joined The Tipping Point on One America News to weigh-in on alleged widespread ballot harvesting in Congresswoman... 2010200
Plots To Change America Daniel Di Martino Finds Hope in America After Escaping Socialist Venezuela The Heritage FoundationNovember 4, 2019 Daniel Di Martino grew up amid violence, poverty, and corruption in socialist Venezuela. Luckily, he escaped those horrors and began... 4412500
Prager 5 Minute Videos Israel and Human Rights | 5 Minute Video PragerUMay 13, 2019 Israel is one of the most free and most prosperous countries in the world. Not only is Israel a booming economy and a wellspring of... 479200