Immigration Kamala Harris “Making a Mockery” of the Border Crisis | Mark Morgan on Newsmax TV The Heritage FoundationJune 17, 2021 Heritage Visiting Fellow Mark Morgan joined Newsmax TV, Wednesday, June 16, to talk about the border crisis, the effort by states li... 118500
Immigration “The Worst Border Crisis We’ve Ever Seen” | Mike Howell Blasts Biden’s Border Crisis The Heritage FoundationJune 16, 2021 Heritage’s Mike Howell joined Fox Business, Tuesday, June 15, to talk about the border crisis, Pres. Trump’s announced t... 55500
Immigration Kamala Harris Ignoring the Border Crisis Right In Front of Her | Chad Wolf on Biden’s Border Crisis The Heritage FoundationJune 14, 2021 Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Fox News’ “Fox and Friends,” Monday, June 14, to talk about the border c... 176900
Immigration Kamala Harris Should’ve Gone to the Border By Now | Chad Wolf on Biden’s Border Crisis The Heritage FoundationJune 12, 2021 Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Newsmax TV, Saturday, June 12, to talk about the border crisis, why Kamala Harris and Joe... 258100
Immigration “It’s All Spin and Misdirection” From Kamala Harris | Mark Morgan Blasts Biden Border Crisis The Heritage FoundationJune 9, 2021 Heritage Visiting Fellow Mark Morgan joined Newsmax TV, Wednesday, June 9, to talk about the border crisis, why Joe Biden and Kamala... 96200
Immigration The Border Crisis Is Coming to Your Front Door The Heritage FoundationJune 9, 2021 The Biden administration created a border crisis when they undid all the successful Trump-era policies overnight. They were warned t... 237300
Immigration Biden’s Open Border Agenda the “Most Inhumane” Policy | Mark Morgan Sounds Off on Border Crisis The Heritage FoundationJune 8, 2021 Heritage Visiting Fellow Mark Morgan joined Newsmax TV, Friday, June 4, to talk about the border crisis, the human rights abuses mig... 04200
Immigration It’s Very Telling That Kamala Harris Won’t Visit the Border | Chad Wolf on Fox News The Heritage FoundationJune 8, 2021 Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Fox News, Tuesday, June 8, to talk about the border crisis, Vice President Kamala Harris... 85200
Immigration Joe Biden Was Wrong to End Trump’s Successful Remain in Mexico Policy | Mark Morgan on Newsmax TV The Heritage FoundationJune 7, 2021 Heritage Visiting Fellow Mark Morgan joined Newsmax TV, Saturday, June 5, to talk about the border crisis, why the Biden administrat... 56100