Critical Race Theory Define What You Mean by “Hate” and “Hater” | Stand to Reason Podcast Stand to ReasonApril 16, 2021 Greg Koukl and Tim Barnett talk about some negative reactions they’ve received (and seen others receive) to their Christian convicti... 2014100
Different Religions The Role of Hadith Literature in Islam Stand to ReasonNovember 4, 2019 What is hadith literature? Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason explains hadith literature and its role as a source of authority in the l... 07500
Gender IdentitySex Education Jesus’ View on Sex and Marriage Stand to ReasonApril 1, 2019 Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason shows us where we can find Jesus’ clearly-stated views on sex and marriage. #StandtoReason #Ap... 58800
Different Religions Is What Muslims Say Really What Islam Teaches? Stand to ReasonMarch 4, 2019 Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason emphasizes the importance of looking to Islam’s authoritative sources in order to know what Islam re... 05100
Different Religions Christian Ambassadors Learn About Islam Stand to ReasonFebruary 4, 2019 Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason shares one of the first steps in sharing the Gospel with your Muslim friends. #StandtoReason #Apolog... 06300