Cultural Issues Is Trump a True Patriot or a Globalist Stooge? (VIDEO) Liberty SentinelMarch 21, 2019 APPLETON, Wisconsin — In this wildly popular talk at the John Birch Society’s 60th Anniversary celebration, Liberty Sent... 41900
Cultural Issues Deep State Behind The Deep State: Alex Newman on the Alex Jones Show Liberty SentinelFebruary 23, 2018 In this segment of an interview on the Alex Jones Show, internationalist journalist Alex Newman exposes the Deep State–as well... 31600
Cultural Issues Alex Jones: “Trump knows everything. Trump is more John Birch Society than the John Birch Society.” Liberty SentinelJanuary 10, 2017 In this video, Alex Jones argues that Donald Trump is the “Real Deal” and that he plans to take on the globalists like n... 8700
Cultural Issues The United Nations Agenda for World Government: A New World Order Liberty SentinelOctober 16, 2016 In this speech given in Memphis, Tennessee, The New American magazine’s foreign correspondent Alex Newman exposes the real age... 61800
Cultural Issues Journalist Alex Newman Accepts Georgi Markov Award for Humanity 2016 Liberty SentinelSeptember 8, 2016 International journalist Alex Newman accepts the Georgi Markov Award for Humanity 2016. Awarded by the International Institute of An... 01100
Cultural Issues NWO War on America Exposed, by Journalist Alex Newman Liberty SentinelAugust 28, 2016 In this amazing presentation made in New York in 2016, international journalist Alex Newman exposes how the elite establishment is w... 3800
Biblical Worldview The War Against America Liberty SentinelJuly 6, 2016 In this short presentation at Bear Witness Central, international journalist and educator Alex Newman exposes the conspiracy against... 1700