Gender IdentitySex Education A Female Is… — To the Point LIVE with Jon Noyes Stand to ReasonJuly 28, 2022 What is a woman? Merriam–Webster’s online dictionary seems to think it knows. The dictionary recently changed its definition f... 6900
Biblical Worldview This is Why Justice Matters | STR University: Pursuing True Justice Stand to ReasonJuly 17, 2022 God calls Christians to justice. Jon Noyes explains what Biblical justice means and how it can be applied to our own lives in his la... 45800
Evil and Suffering Two Problems with a Relativistic View of Sexuality Stand to ReasonJuly 10, 2022 Jon Noyes discusses the roles that identity, authority, and ever-changing morality play in today’s secular world. #StandtoReas... 47400
Gender IdentitySex Education What Is a Woman? — To the Point LIVE with Jon Noyes Stand to ReasonJune 23, 2022 What is a woman? Surprisingly, that’s the question that seems to have sparked some controversy lately. It’s also the nam... 21100
Gender IdentitySex Education Here’s What the Bible AND Science Say About Transgenderism Stand to ReasonJune 12, 2022 Jon Noyes presents two perspectives on why biological sex and gender are binary. Watch the full video: 302300
Gender IdentitySex Education Responding to Pride Month: To the Point LIVE with Jon Noyes Stand to ReasonJune 9, 2022 June has been adopted by the LGBTQ+ community as “Pride Month.” According to CNN, June is a month “when the world’s LGBTQ comm... 21700
Gender IdentitySex Education “Women’s” Sports, the Babylon Bee, and Babysitter’s Club: To the Point LIVE with Jon Noyes Stand to ReasonMarch 24, 2022 This week on To the Point LIVE, Jon responds to a transgender swimmer that made headlines for winning gold, Twitter’s ban of t... 32300
Biblical Worldview Reclaiming Justice: To the Point LIVE with Jon Noyes Stand to ReasonMarch 10, 2022 What does it mean for the Christian to “do justice”? Jon Noyes discusses how Christians can take back the term “so... 18500
The Truth A Response to Genetically Modified Skeptic Part 2 — Stand to Reason Podcast Stand to ReasonFebruary 25, 2022 Greg Koukl and Jon Noyes respond to a video by @GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic (Drew McCoy) that critiques one of Greg’s STR U courses.... 107700