Different Religions How to Help a Former Catholic, Now Mormon, See that Works Will Not Earn Salvation Stand to ReasonApril 8, 2022 Greg and Amy answer a listener’s question: “How can I help a coworker, who’s a former Catholic and now a Mormon, see tha... 92300
Biblical Worldview What a Mormon Mission is Really Like (The Inside Scoop) Sean McDowellMay 26, 2021 What is the daily routine of a Mormon Missionary? How important is this right of passage in the life of a young Mormon? This short c... 1012000
Biblical Worldview Is Mormonism Defensible Today? A Conversation with Eric Johnson. Sean McDowellDecember 10, 2020 Over the past few years, the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been releasing a number of essays in response to the bi... 3014700
Different Religions Is It Possible That Mormonism Is True? Stand to ReasonMarch 30, 2015 Brett Kunkle discusses whether or not Mormonism could be true. #StandtoReason #Apologetics #Christianity ————— CONNECT ————— Website... 305800
Different Religions What Are Some Good Tactics to Use When Engaging Cult Members? Stand to ReasonJuly 7, 2014 Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason shares some effective tips to employ when people from alternative religions knock on your door. #Stand... 162800
Different Religions Mormon Role Play Stand to ReasonJune 26, 2014 “Elder Kunkle” role plays a Mormon for a group of unsuspecting Christians. After the reveal, Brett Kunkle challenges the... 92300