Plots To Change America Dr. Jordan B. Peterson On The Impact Of the Radical Left The Heritage FoundationApril 4, 2019 Clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan B. Peterson has given lectures all over the world—drawing massive audiences with a message that emp... 3217600
Election Integrity Sean Hannity: Heritage Election Fraud Database Demonstrates Threat Of Voter Fraud The Heritage FoundationAugust 18, 2020 On August 17, Fox News host Sean Hannity highlighted Heritage’s Election Fraud Database as a clear example of the threat voter... 2115300
New World Order Debunking Outrageous LIES from the New Hulu Series, ‘The 1619 Project’ | Glenn TV | Ep 247 Glenn BeckJanuary 25, 2023 Remember this quote from George Orwell’s “1984”? “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the p... 2114800
Covid Identity Politics and Woke Culture with Max Eden and Mike Gonzalez The Heritage FoundationNovember 4, 2020 Identity politics and “woke culture” have taken over our schools. How did this start? Where is it going? And what can we... 713600
Plots To Change America The Good Fight: Capitalism vs. Socialism The Heritage FoundationJune 5, 2020 Socialism appears to be on the rise, increasingly appealing to younger generations as both an economic and moral ‘solution.’ Despite... 159100
Prager 5 Minute Videos AJ+ Is Al Jazeera | 5 Minute Video PragerUSeptember 2, 2019 There’s a social media site whose glitzy videos populate your newsfeed. Its content overflows with typical leftist tropes. No, it’s... 218900
New World Order This Glenn Beck Museum Tour Will RED-PILL Your Leftist Friends | Glenn TV | Ep 285 Glenn BeckJune 28, 2023 The far Left would love nothing more than for America to forget its own history. But it’s not just the good that needs preserv... 218600
Prager 5 Minute Videos Left or Liberal? | 5 Minute Video PragerUSeptember 3, 2018 Tell the average American you’re a liberal and they’ll assume you’re on the political left. Yet, leftists and liberals hold very dif... 418300
Prager 5 Minute Videos The Top 5 Issues Facing Black Americans | 5 Minute Video PragerUSeptember 19, 2016 What are the five biggest problems facing black Americans? Where do things like racism and police brutality rank? What about the abs... 223200