Different Religions Why Even Atheists Should Teach Their Children about God PragerUAugust 9, 2021 As a therapist, Erica Komisar is often asked by parents, “How do I talk to my child about death if I don’t believe in God or heaven?... 4015600
Biblical Worldview Jesus Covers Your Shame (The Significance of the Cross) Sean McDowellMarch 29, 2021 What does the death of Jesus mean for our experience of shame? Can we truly be forgiven for all our sins? In this video, which is pa... 810800
Biblical Worldview The Resurrection of Jesus Answers 3 Huge Questions Sean McDowellApril 10, 2020 If Jesus has risen from the dead, I explain that we have answers to 3 of the biggest questions of life: (1) Does God exist? (2) Whic... 133100