New World Order Chalkboard Lesson: Chicago Marxists are Pulling the Strings on the Attack on our Border Glenn BeckApril 9, 2019 Sign up to get $20 off your annual subscription at Glenn uses the chalkboard to show exactly who is fu... 325400
Prager 5 Minute Videos America Wants Legal Immigrants | 5 Minute Video PragerUFebruary 11, 2019 Virtually everyone knows America has a big illegal immigration problem. But we also have a legal immigration problem: Current U.S. i... 235800
Prager 5 Minute Videos How to Solve Illegal Immigration: Build the Wall | 5 Minute Videos PragerUNovember 30, 2018 The migrant caravan has reached the U.S. border. Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem. Can America solve its illegal imm... 486700
Immigration Immigration and “The Start of the Breaking Dam” The Heritage FoundationNovember 2, 2018 If we want to deter and better handle illegal immigration, important reforms are necessary immediately. source 26200
Immigration Heritage Explains 057: Migrant Caravan and the U.S. Immigration System The Heritage FoundationOctober 29, 2018 A caravan of migrants is making its way toward the U.S. southern border. Our problem right now is not finding and stopping those who... 57900