Gender Identity Does the Gender Wage Gap Exist? The Heritage FoundationAugust 7, 2019 The Gender Wage Gap has become a major political talking point that has even inspired an “Equal Pay Day.” Despite what the liberal p... 1714800
Cultural Issues America’s Biggest Issues: Spending The Heritage FoundationJuly 22, 2019 Despite their promises to the contrary, every year, politicians continue to spend hundreds of billions of dollars more than the gove... 2114700
Education A Conversation on the Successes of the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative (W-GDP) The Heritage FoundationAugust 13, 2020 Launched in February 2019 under the leadership of White House Advisor Ivanka Trump, W-GDP is the first ever whole-of-government appr... 411600
New World Order Farmland WARS: The Global TAKEOVER of America’s Land | Glenn TV | Ep 244 Glenn BeckJanuary 11, 2023 There’s a world war raging right now between globalist and nationalist authoritarians. All sides want absolute control, and they wil... 3510500
Plots To Change America Romina Boccia: Socialist Promises Require Middle Class Tax Hikes The Heritage FoundationOctober 1, 2019 Romina Boccia joined Fox Business on Tuesday, October 1, to discuss how policy proposals from the left will necessitate massive tax... 49700
Prager 5 Minute Videos How to Raise Kids Who Are Smart About Money | 5 Minute Video PragerUOctober 23, 2017 Parents are responsible for teaching kids how to manage money. But too few do. Personal finance expert and bestselling author Rachel... 508900
Education Congress Must Do Its Part on the Budget The Heritage FoundationFebruary 26, 2020 The president’s annual budget proposal should serve as a road map to Congress for how the executive and legislative branches can wor... 58400
Education What Are Universal Savings Accounts? The Heritage FoundationMarch 2, 2020 The White House is expected to announce details on tax cuts for Trump’s second term. One of the ideas on the table is to create tax-... 148300
Education The House to Vote on a Trillion Dollar Spending Bill The Heritage FoundationJune 12, 2019 This week, the House will vote on a trillion dollar spending package. The bill weakens border security by blocking funds for a wall... 08200