Religious Liberty Supreme Court Delivers A Win For Religious Freedom And Free Speech: Sarah Perry The Heritage FoundationMarch 16, 2021 Sarah Perry joined The Tipping Point on One America News to discuss the Supreme Court’s ruling in Uzuegbunam v. Preczewski and... 1318700
Election Integrity HR 1 Will Threaten All Our Future Elections: Hans von Spakovsky The Heritage FoundationMarch 9, 2021 Hans von Spakovsky joined The Tipping Point on One America News to outline the many ways HR 1 would severely weaken election integri... 510000
Election Integrity Proven Examples of Voter Fraud Show Vulnerabilities in Election System | Hans von Spakovsky The Heritage FoundationDecember 18, 2020 Hans von Spakovsky joined One America News on December 18, 2020, to discuss Heritage’s election fraud database and where we... 2211500
Election Integrity What Happened With Ballot Counting In Pennsylvania On Election Night? Hans von Spakovsky Discusses The Heritage FoundationNovember 11, 2020 Hans von Spakovsky joined The Tipping Point on One America News to discuss whether election officials and ballot counters in Pennsyl... 5010900
Election Integrity The Idea That Voter Fraud Doesn’t Exist Is “Laughable” | Hans von Spakovsky The Heritage FoundationNovember 11, 2020 Hans von Spakovsky joined One America News on November 10, 2020, to discuss Heritage’s election fraud database and the left’s reacti... 429700
Covid Make COVID-19 Regulatory Rollback Permanent: Joel Griffith on OAN The Heritage FoundationJune 16, 2020 Joel Griffith joined One America News to discuss the state of the economy as states begin to reopen and how Congress must fix past p... 511000
Covid This Type of Economic Calamity Affects People’s Mental, Physical Health | Joel Griffith on OAN The Heritage FoundationMay 6, 2020 Joel Griffith joined One America News on May 5, 2020, to discuss the economic devastation and the current unemployment rate. Joel Gr... 17100