Prager 5 Minute Videos Are Pipelines Safe? PragerUDecember 14, 2021 What’s the safest way to transport oil? According to environmentalists, progressive politicians, and the media, it’s anything but pi... 4313500
Prager 5 Minute Videos Why You Should Love Fossil Fuel | 5 Minute Video PragerUApril 20, 2015 Every year on Earth Day we learn how bad humanity’s economic development is for the health of the planet. But maybe this is th... 431400
Prager 5 Minute Videos The Paris Climate Agreement Won’t Change the Climate | 5 Minute Video PragerUJanuary 16, 2017 The Paris Climate Agreement will cost at least $1 trillion per year, and climate activists say it will save the planet. The truth? I... 422900
Prager 5 Minute Videos Do 97% of Climate Scientists Really Agree? | 5 Minute Video PragerUJuly 11, 2016 Is it true that 97% of climate scientists agree that climate change is real? Where does the 97% figure come from? And if it is true,... 403200
New World Order Farmland WARS: The Global TAKEOVER of America’s Land | Glenn TV | Ep 244 Glenn BeckJanuary 11, 2023 There’s a world war raging right now between globalist and nationalist authoritarians. All sides want absolute control, and they wil... 3510600
Prager 5 Minute Videos Fossil Fuels: The Greenest Energy | 5 Minute Video PragerUApril 21, 2016 To make earth cleaner, greener and safer, which energy sources should humanity rely on? Alex Epstein of the Center for Industrial Pr... 352700
Prager 5 Minute Videos Rockefeller: The Richest American Who Ever Lived | 5 Minute Video PragerUOctober 5, 2015 Was America’s first billionaire, John D. Rockefeller, a greedy robber baron, a generous philanthropist, or both? And did the o... 341300
Prager 5 Minute Videos The War On Cars | 5 Minute Video PragerUJuly 31, 2017 There is a war against cars in America. Regulators want Americans out of cars and onto trains, buses, and bicycles. Why? Because of... 253000