Abortion LIVE: March for Life Q&A with Heritage President Kevin Roberts | Heritage Explains LIVE The Heritage FoundationJanuary 21, 2022 Join us as we interview Heritage president Kevin Roberts on March for Life 2022, the pro-life movement, and what a post-Roe world co... 313000
Biblical Worldview How God is Present (and Active) in the World Today: A Conversation with Tim Muehlhoff Sean McDowellJanuary 12, 2022 Where is God amidst human suffering, pandemics, and personal tragedy? Why is God semingly silent? In this interview, I talk with Dr.... 451100
Covid “We Were Shocked”: Nevada Pastor Describes COVID Lockdown Hypocrisy The Heritage FoundationFebruary 17, 2021 Garry Leist, pastor of Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley, describes the impact of COVID lockdowns on his congregation, and highlights the... 1114300
Abortion Be Fearless — and Stand for Unborn Life with The Heritage Foundation | #Shorts The Heritage FoundationJanuary 26, 2021 #Shorts #YouTubeShorts We’re taking a stand for the voiceless, vulnerable, unborn children. YOU can stand with us by supportin... 1214800
Covid Bureaucracy Got in the Way of Approving Regeneron Antibody Treatment | Dr. Kevin Pham The Heritage FoundationNovember 24, 2020 Dr. Kevin Pham joined The Lars Larson Show on November 23, 2020, to discuss the Regeneron antibody treatment and why we’re see... 613700
Covid Don’t Fear Our Enemies Taking Advantage of This Moment | James Carafano on Fox News Radio The Heritage FoundationOctober 8, 2020 James Carafano joined the “Fox News Rundown: Global Pandemic” podcast, Wednesday, October 7, to talk about the latest on... 916300
Covid Doctor Answers Questions About COVID-19 | Ask the Expert The Heritage FoundationAugust 12, 2020 COVID-19 has dominated news headlines for most of 2020 — but somehow, much of the coverage has left most with more questions than an... 2113800
Covid How Can State Legislatures Curtail Governors’ Shutdown Powers? The Heritage FoundationJuly 14, 2020 In an effort to contain COVID-19, many governors have used emergency powers to limit business activity, social gatherings, and mobil... 1510200
Covid Decisions to Open Schools Should be Made Locally | Jonathan Butcher The Heritage FoundationJuly 9, 2020 Will your neighborhood school open on schedule in the fall? The answer should vary by location, but some headline-grabbing declarati... 513500