Ezekiel The Apostle Paul: Acts 8-12 BibleProjectJune 21, 2018 Our video on Acts 8-12 explores how God’s Spirit transformed Jesus’ followers from a small collective of messianic Jews in Jerusalem... 352500
Daniel Book of Colossians Summary: A Complete Animated Overview BibleProjectNovember 1, 2016 Watch our overview video on the book of Colossians, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In Co... 352400
Ezekiel Bound for Rome: Acts 21-28 BibleProjectJanuary 31, 2019 In the final video in our Acts series, we trace Paul’s final journey to Jerusalem and then into a Roman prison. But paradoxically, P... 312100
Revelation Book of 1 Corinthians Summary: A Complete Animated Overview BibleProjectOctober 15, 2015 Watch our overview video on the book of 1 Corinthians, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In... 281600
Jeremiah Book of Ephesians Summary: A Complete Animated Overview BibleProjectNovember 10, 2016 Watch our overview video on the book of Ephesians, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In Eph... 461200
Biblical Worldview The Key Issue Dividing Progressive and Evangelical Christians Sean McDowellDecember 31, 2021 What is the difference between progressive Christians and evangelicals? As this video illustrates, one key issue is how they each ap... 261100
Jeremiah Book of Romans Summary: A Complete Animated Overview (Part 1) BibleProjectOctober 18, 2016 Watch our overview video on Romans 1-4, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In Romans, Paul s... 311100