Prager 5 Minute Videos Rockefeller: The Richest American Who Ever Lived | 5 Minute Video PragerUOctober 5, 2015 Was America’s first billionaire, John D. Rockefeller, a greedy robber baron, a generous philanthropist, or both? And did the o... 341200
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Prager 5 Minute Videos The Most Important Question About Abortion | 5 Minute Video PragerUAugust 17, 2015 Is abortion right, or is it wrong? It’s the big question that’s lost in a societal debate that’s mostly focused on... 491300
Prager 5 Minute Videos Was the Civil War About Slavery? | 5 Minute Video PragerUAugust 10, 2015 What caused the Civil War? Did the North care about abolishing slavery? Did the South secede because of slavery? Or was it about som... 471500
Prager 5 Minute Videos The Iran Nuclear Deal | 5 Minute Video PragerUAugust 3, 2015 Is the nuclear agreement between the United States and Iran a good or bad deal? Would it be harder or easier for Iran to develop nuc... 351200