New World Order PROOF the DOJ Is Running Election Interference for Joe Biden | Ep 360 Glenn BeckJune 20, 2024 After Hunter Biden was found guilty of a minor gun charge, Democrats and the media were quick to use his conviction as evidence that... 2014500
Biblical Worldview Examining the Case for the Christian Faith (with Doug Groothuis) Sean McDowellJuly 25, 2022 How strong is the evidence for Christianity? How has the evidence, and issues, changed over the past few decades. Dr. Doug Groothuis... 242100
Biblical Worldview Is God the Best Explanation for Moral Values? A Debate. Sean McDowellJuly 12, 2022 This debate took place in 2010 at Saddleback Valley College between Sean McDowell and Dr. Jim Corbett. At the time of this debate, J... 211300
Biblical Worldview How Deathbed Experiences Point to the Supernatural Sean McDowellNovember 17, 2021 Dr. Steve Miller believes that deathbed experiences provide stronger evidence for supernaturalism than the traditional arguments for... 431100
Biblical Worldview The Latest Evidence for Modern Miracles Sean McDowellOctober 13, 2021 What’s the evidence miracles really happen TODAY? How reliable are the accounts? In this video, I talk with NT scholar Craig S... 461600
Biblical Worldview A Guide to Experiencing Miracles: Conversing with J.P. Moreland Sean McDowellSeptember 15, 2021 Do miracles really happen today? Can people genuinely experience the supernatural in our daily lives? Philosopher JP Moreland says Y... 202600
Biblical Worldview Roe vs. Wade Ending? A Challenge from the Medical Community Sean McDowellSeptember 10, 2021 Will the Supreme Court overrule Roe vs. Wade? What is the heart of the medical case against abortion rights? In this video, I interv... 452900
Biblical Worldview The Apostle Paul Died A Martyr. Here’s The Evidence. Sean McDowellMarch 22, 2021 Did the Apostle Paul actually die as a martyr? Or is there a better explanation? This brief video is part of the grad class I teach... 218400
Biblical Worldview The Earliest Source for the Resurrection of Jesus Sean McDowellMarch 1, 2021 What is the earliest and strongest evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus? Many scholars cite this early creed in 1 Corinthians 15.... 258000