Isaiah Isaiah 45 – Pt 1 – God is The Creator of The Universe, the Heavens, Earth and Stars – Awesome God LoveIsrael.orgSeptember 19, 2021 In Isaiah 45 we see how God reveals how He created the universe for His purposes. The heavens, the earth, the stars. His Power goes... 221400
Isaiah Isaiah Chapter 42 — Pt 2 — God will overcome the enemy — HE will destroy hills and mountains LoveIsrael.orgJuly 30, 2021 The book of Isaiah is full of prophecy and revelation. Isaiah chapter 42 foreshadows the end, giving us prophetic indicators to unde... 162900
Isaiah Isaiah 42 — Pt 1 — God blesses His chosen ones — He delights in them LoveIsrael.orgJuly 23, 2021 Isaiah was one of the major prophets of the Old Testament. Isaiah 42 provides great insight on the establishment of the Kingdom of G... 274400