Biblical Worldview Was the Bible Copied Faithfully from One Generation to the Next? Sean McDowellJune 1, 2020 How much can we trust that the New Testament was not changed as it was copied by hand? In this video, I develop the classic argument... 173500
Biblical Worldview Is Acts Historically Reliable? A Conversation with Craig Keener Sean McDowellMay 27, 2020 How accurate is the book of Acts? In this interview I ask one of the world’s leading scholars on the book of Acts, Craig Keene... 368000
Biblical Worldview Why Should We Trust the Gospel Writers? Sean McDowellMay 8, 2020 In this video, I share a few key reasons to believe the Gospel writers care about truth. This does not solely prove what they wrote... 264700
Biblical Worldview Avoiding Big Mistakes in Defending the Bible: Interview with Dr. Peter Gurry Sean McDowellMay 6, 2020 Well-meaning apologist have made some big mistakes when defending the reliability of the New Testament. I interview Dr. Peter Gurry,... 347100