Religious Liberty Evaluating Threats to Religious Freedom in China The Heritage FoundationFebruary 5, 2019 Threats to religious freedom in China were on the rise in 2018, especially after the Chinese government instituted its new Regulatio... 811900
Religious Liberty The Religious Freedom Restoration Act At 25: How It Fosters Peaceful Pluralism The Heritage FoundationJanuary 16, 2019 It has been 25 years since Congress passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) with near unanimous support. Since then it h... 310500
Religious Liberty How to Protect International Religious Freedom from the Politicization of Human Rights The Heritage FoundationAugust 1, 2018 Dr. Aaron Rhodes’ new book, The Debasement of Human Rights: How Politics Sabotage the Ideal of Freedom, identifies a dangerous trend... 010900
Religious Liberty Supreme Court Upholds Free Exercise of Religion | The Heritage Foundation The Heritage FoundationJune 4, 2018 Heritage expert Ryan Anderson responds to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that a Colorado baker’s right to exercise his religion had b... 112300
Religious Liberty Reviving Jinnah’s Legacy of Religious Freedom in Pakistan The Heritage FoundationJuly 28, 2015 In establishing a homeland for Muslims, Pakistan’s founding father, Muhammed Ali Jinnah, also supported the idea of Islam serving as... 04900
Prager 5 Minute Videos Religious Tolerance: Made in America | 5 Minute Video PragerUJuly 20, 2015 Religious tolerance is a given in the West. But it’s a historical aberration — an ideological revolution created by the... 221400
Religious Liberty Freedom and a Culture of Intolerance: Will Religious Minorities Survive in the Middle East? The Heritage FoundationJune 10, 2015 A deadly intolerance of religious minorities has swept through a number of areas in the Middle East in recent months. Radical Islami... 04000
Religious Liberty Religious Freedom is Everyone’s Business: Hobby Lobby at the Supreme Court The Heritage FoundationJune 20, 2014 A Conservative Women’s Network event. source 45500