Different Religions Ex-Satanist Gets Baptized and THIS Happened #christianity #testimony #shorts Sean McDowellJune 12, 2024 HOW and WHY would former Satanist convert to Christianity? Why did she leave the Satanic Temple and join the Christian church? My gu... 97500
Different Religions Ex-Satanist SPEAKS OUT After Leaving Occult #testimony #interview #shorts Sean McDowellJune 5, 2024 HOW and WHY would former Satanist convert to Christianity? Why did she leave the Satanic Temple and join the Christian church? My gu... 36600
Train Christians 5 Responses to Common Christian Objections administratorApril 6, 2023 If you were having a conversation with a non-believer would you have a quick response to their objections? The intellectual aspect o... 337900
Biblical Worldview Mind Reading, Demonic Possession: the Bible on Demons Sean McDowellSeptember 9, 2020 The Bible says a lot about demons, but as you read a passage you might have more questions like: Can demons read your mind? What pow... 205200
Daniel The Satan and Demons • Understand Evil Spiritual Beings in the Bible (Spiritual Beings Series Ep 4) BibleProjectMay 23, 2019 The storyline of the Bible presents a populated spiritual world, full of creatures who are in rebellion against their Creator, just... 218700
Genesis Who Spiritual Beings Are and What They're Like • Spiritual Beings Series (Episode 1) BibleProjectFebruary 14, 2019 In the first pages of the Bible, we’re introduced to God and humans as the main characters. But there’s also a whole cast of spiritu... 321300