The Truth Why Objective Truth Matters administratorFebruary 15, 2021 For more information, read God’s Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe (htt... 811900
Bible Prophecy Are There No Objective Truths? administratorDecember 11, 2020 For more information, read God’s Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe (htt... 2315100
The Truth Does Christianity’s Uneven Geographical Distribution Prove It’s Not a Universal Truth? Stand to ReasonJune 10, 2016 Tim Barnett of Stand to Reason answers, “How can Christianity be true for everyone if it hasn’t reached certain parts of... 14800
Bible Prophecy Can You Pass the Objective / Subjective Truth Test? administratorApril 23, 2015 For more information, read So the Next Generation Will Know: Training Young Christians in a Challenging World ( 25200