Different Religions What Does the Bible Mean When it Encourages People to “Seek”? Stand to ReasonJanuary 12, 2022 Are your questions seeking answers or exits? Greg Koukl and @RedPenLogic’s Tim Barnett discuss what healthy, biblical doubt sh... 93200
Apologetics Dealing with Doubt — Apologetics in Action | STR University: Why Apologetics? Stand to ReasonAugust 29, 2021 Have you ever asked yourself, “What do I really know?” In this excerpt from our “Why Apologetics?” Stand to... 117600
Different Religions How to Respond to a Deconverting Loved One Stand to ReasonJuly 20, 2021 Jon Noyes and Tim Barnett discuss how Christians can lovingly respond to a deconverting loved one in a way that both maintains bound... 47100
Different Religions Responding to Deconversion Stories | Stand to Reason Podcast with Jon Noyes and Tim Barnett Stand to ReasonJune 25, 2021 Jon Noyes and Tim Barnett talk about different aspects of the recent public deconversion stories and discuss how we can respond when... 178200
Apologetics STR Tactics Book Club: Chapters 16-19 Stand to ReasonMay 31, 2020 Tim Barnett, Alan Shlemon, and Jonathan Noyes discuss the 10th anniversary edition of the book, “Tactics: A Game Plan for Disc... 03600
Apologetics STR Tactics Book Club: Chapters 13-15 Stand to ReasonMay 30, 2020 Tim Barnett, Alan Shlemon, and Jonathan Noyes discuss the 10th anniversary edition of the book, “Tactics: A Game Plan for Disc... 03300
Apologetics STR Tactics Book Club: Chapters 10-12 Stand to ReasonMay 29, 2020 Tim Barnett, Alan Shlemon, and Jonathan Noyes discuss the 10th anniversary edition of the book, “Tactics: A Game Plan for Disc... 13700
Apologetics STR Tactics Book Club: Chapters 7-9 Stand to ReasonMay 28, 2020 Tim Barnett, Alan Shlemon, and Jonathan Noyes discuss the 10th anniversary edition of the book, Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing... 23100
Apologetics STR Tactics Book Club: Chapters 4-6 Stand to ReasonMay 27, 2020 Tim Barnett, Alan Shlemon, and Jonathan Noyes discuss the 10th anniversary edition of the book, T”actics: A Game Plan for Disc... 13000