Apologetics Here’s How to Talk to Believers with Unbiblical Beliefs Stand to ReasonMarch 12, 2023 Have you ever encountered a Christian who supported ideas and causes that seemed inconsistent with biblical morality? Jon Noyes shar... 28100
Different Religions These Are the Most Important Questions We Can Ask Stand to ReasonFebruary 19, 2023 Jon Noyes explains how Darwinism differs from other areas of science and philosophy. #TothePoint #StandtoReason #Apologetics #Scienc... 9500
Biblical Worldview Are These Words Really Harmful? — To the Point LIVE with Jon Noyes Stand to ReasonJanuary 12, 2023 Can words be harmful? Should we avoid certain kinds of speech to avoid hurting people’s feelings? Stanford University seems to think... 58000
Apologetics Here’s Where We Get Our Marching Orders for Spiritual Warfare Stand to ReasonAugust 21, 2022 Jon Noyes draws on Paul’s example, explaining how Christians can fight false ideas while respecting people made in the image o... 36100
Gender IdentitySex Education The Transgender Debate: Why Conform the Mind to the Body Rather Than the Body to the Mind? Stand to ReasonAugust 14, 2022 Jon Noyes answers a viewer’s question about whether the Fall could justify a transgender person’s belief that they have... 4000
Gender IdentitySex Education Responding to Pride Month: To the Point LIVE with Jon Noyes Stand to ReasonJune 9, 2022 June has been adopted by the LGBTQ+ community as “Pride Month.” According to CNN, June is a month “when the world’s LGBTQ comm... 21700
Different Religions This Is Looking A Lot Like the G Word Stand to ReasonJanuary 16, 2022 Where does our reality come from? Jon Noyes looks at the “bump of stuff” in this clip from To the Point LIVE. #StandtoRe... 111300
Evil and Suffering Because God Said So? — What Makes Something Morally Wrong? Stand to ReasonSeptember 6, 2021 Jon Noyes answers, “Why is rape wrong? Is it because God said so, or could there be another reason?” This an excerpt fro... 913300
Different Religions To the Point LIVE with Jon Noyes: Atheism Stand to ReasonAugust 26, 2021 There are important details of the real world that atheists “bump into” all the time that make no sense in the atheist... 88100