Prager 5 Minute Videos Andrew Johnson: The President Who Wasn’t Lincoln PragerUSeptember 25, 2023 Abraham Lincoln had been assassinated. To take the reins of power at this tumultuous moment required a man of compassion, discernmen... 3665000
Plots To Change America Economic Freedom Is in Danger in America, Hong Kong | James Roberts on SiriusXM Radio The Heritage FoundationMarch 12, 2021 Heritage’s James Roberts joined “Breitbart News Sunday,” Sunday, March 7, to talk about the latest on economic fre... 116000
Covid Understanding South Korea’s COVID-19 Response The Heritage FoundationApril 1, 2020 There’s an outpouring of acclaim for South Korea’s strategy, which enabled it to be one of the few countries to “flatten the curve.”... 317900
Covid Lt. Col. James Carafano on Coronavirus: China Very Publicly Telling Lies About the U.S. The Heritage FoundationMarch 25, 2020 James Carafano joined “America First With Seb Gorka,” Friday, March 20, to talk about the latest on the coronavirus, the... 177500