Covid China Rightly Taking a Black Eye for Unleashing Coronavirus | Dean Cheng on Fox Business The Heritage FoundationJune 1, 2020 Dean Cheng joined Fox Business, Monday, June 1, to talk about the latest from China, the newest developments in the U.S.-China trade... 5011800
Covid 3 Key Ways to Punish China & Rebuild America | James Carafano on Fox News The Heritage FoundationMay 10, 2020 James Carafano joined Fox News, Saturday, May 9, to talk about the latest about China, the need to get America get back up and runni... 3912500
Covid Dean Cheng on Coronavirus: Beijing Wants to Blame U.S. For Chinese Outbreak The Heritage FoundationMarch 13, 2020 Dean Cheng joined Fox Business, Friday, March 13, to talk about the latest on the coronavirus outbreak, Beijing’s efforts to b... 287900
Covid Tori Smith on Coronavirus: No One Should Be Surprised China “Not Completely Transparent” The Heritage FoundationMarch 3, 2020 Tori Smith joined Fox Business, Tuesday, March 3, to talk about the latest on China trade and the coronavirus, the trade negotiation... 64500
Covid Dean Cheng: China Needs to Be Consistent and Transparent on Coronavirus Numbers The Heritage FoundationFebruary 21, 2020 Dean Cheng joined Fox Business, Friday, February 21, to talk about the latest from China, Beijing’s response to the coronaviru... 2110400