Biblical Worldview How (Not) To Read the Bible: An Interview with Author Dan Kimball Sean McDowellOctober 21, 2020 What are some biggest difficulties people have with the Bible? In this interview, pastor Dan Kimball responds to some of the toughes... 449500
Biblical Worldview A Fine Tuned Universe Points to God (Here’s How and Why!) Sean McDowellJuly 17, 2020 Cosmic fine-tuning is often considered one of the best arguments for God. In this teaching, from a recent conference, I break down t... 198200
Biblical Worldview Is the Atonement Divine Abuse? Interview with William Lane Craig Sean McDowellJuly 1, 2020 Is the atonement of Jesus moral? Is it biblical? In this interview, William Lane Craig and I discuss these questions and the heart o... 178500