Social Emotional Learning (SEL) A Reintroduction to SEL: CASEL’s Definition and Framework CASELOctober 9, 2020 CASEL CARES is an initiative that connects our community with experts to address how SEL can be most helpful in response to today’s... 09600
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Part 5 of 5: SEL as a Lever for Equity: Policy & Data Practices that Dismantle Inequities CASELJuly 24, 2020 The 5-Part Webinar Series discusses equity and racial injustice through the lens of social and emotional learning. The final segment... 09300
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Part 1 of 5: SEL as a Lever for Equity: Cultivating & Communicating Commitment CASELJune 19, 2020 The 5-Part Webinar Series discusses equity and racial injustice through the lens of social and emotional learning. Part one is on cu... 09500
Plots To Change America The Good Fight: Capitalism vs. Socialism The Heritage FoundationJune 5, 2020 Socialism appears to be on the rise, increasingly appealing to younger generations as both an economic and moral ‘solution.’ Despite... 159100
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) CASEL CARES: So Now What? Supporting SEL at Home CASELApril 4, 2020 CASEL CARES is a new initiative that connects the SEL community with experts to address how SEL can be most helpful in response to t... 07600
Covid We’re All Homeschoolers Now: Navigating the Coronavirus Challenge to K-12 Education The Heritage FoundationMarch 26, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented mass closures of K-12 schools across the country. As of March 20th, more than 121,000... 89300