New World Order Debunking Outrageous LIES from the New Hulu Series, ‘The 1619 Project’ | Glenn TV | Ep 247 Glenn BeckJanuary 25, 2023 Remember this quote from George Orwell’s “1984”? “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the p... 2114800
Critical Race Theory 5 Myths of Critical Race Theory (BUSTED) The Heritage FoundationFebruary 2, 2022 When parents and concerned Americans started calling out and pushing back against the rise of CRT, the political left frantically re... 2519700
Gender Identity He Was FIRED for Questioning LGBT Curriculum The Heritage FoundationDecember 20, 2021 Rev. Bernard Randall was fired from a Christian grade school in the UK for questioning the school’s LGBT curriculum. He’s still stan... 3720300
Critical Race Theory Today’s Woke Mob Resembles China’s Cultural Revolution | Dean Cheng on Fox News The Heritage FoundationJuly 6, 2021 Heritage’s Dean Cheng joined Fox News, Saturday, July 3, to talk about the latest on the Chinese Communist Party, the similari... 1817800
Prager 5 Minute Videos No Past, No Future PragerUJanuary 25, 2021 Can we judge the past by the standards of the present? Many seem intent on proving not only that we can, but that we must. Social cr... 2710300
Plots To Change America Heritage’s “Index of Economic Freedom” Cited on “The Joe Rogan Experience” The Heritage FoundationDecember 8, 2020 Heritage’s “Index of Economic Freedom” was cited by Whole Foods CEO John Mackey on a recent episode of “The... 618500
Critical Race Theory How Critical Race Theory is Dividing America The Heritage FoundationOctober 26, 2020 How woke is your workplace? This week, Christopher Rufo, a Heritage Foundation visiting fellow, explains what critical race theory i... 2513000
Critical Race Theory Wokeism at Work: How “Critical Theory” and Anti-Racism Training Divide America The Heritage FoundationJuly 27, 2020 Following the death of George Floyd, books such as White Fragility rose on bestseller lists and “anti-racist” training programs saw... 2613600
New World Order 2020 is 1984 & ‘Big Brother’ is watching: A message from the ‘Woke Party’ Glenn BeckJuly 19, 2020 Is it 1984 or 2020? Either way, Big Brother IS watching. Glenn gives an important message from the “Woke Party,” demandi... 339300