Biblical Worldview America Under SIEGE: Agenda 2030, Globalism & Socialism Liberty SentinelMarch 5, 2019 America is under siege by globalists, socialists, and Islamists united in a quest to destroy Western Christian civilization, argues... 31900
Cultural Issues The Elites’ New World Order “Education” Agenda to Dumb Down Kids at School Liberty SentinelApril 16, 2016 In this interview with Red Ice Radio, international journalist and educator Alex Newman exposes the New World Order agenda to create... 2300
Cultural Issues Education Author Alex Newman Exposes UNESCO Plot for Global Indoctrination on WNDTV Liberty SentinelApril 8, 2016 Author and educator Alex Newman, co-author of Crimes of the Educators, exposes the globalist agenda to create a new world education... 0000