Apologetics STR Tactics Book Club: Chapters 10-12 Stand to ReasonMay 29, 2020 Tim Barnett, Alan Shlemon, and Jonathan Noyes discuss the 10th anniversary edition of the book, “Tactics: A Game Plan for Disc... 13700
Apologetics STR Tactics Book Club: Chapters 7-9 Stand to ReasonMay 28, 2020 Tim Barnett, Alan Shlemon, and Jonathan Noyes discuss the 10th anniversary edition of the book, Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing... 23100
Biblical Worldview Seizing the Day: A Conversation with Os Guinness about God and Time Sean McDowellMay 20, 2020 Life is short, so how can we make the most out of it and the time we have? I interview Os Guinness about his latest book Carpe Diem... 105600
Apologetics Anti-Intellectualism in the Church | Why Apologetics? Stand to ReasonNovember 18, 2019 Unfortunately, many Christians don’t think very deeply anymore. Tim Barnett of Stand to Reason talks about the value of developing t... 61800
Different Religions The Role of Hadith Literature in Islam Stand to ReasonNovember 4, 2019 What is hadith literature? Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason explains hadith literature and its role as a source of authority in the l... 010100
Apologetics Christians Are Commanded to Be Apologists | Why Apologetics? Stand to ReasonOctober 21, 2019 As Christians, we are commanded to be apologists. Tim Barnett of Stand to Reason shows us where we can find evidence for this in the... 61800
Sex Education The Sexual Revolution and Its Victims – John Stonestreet Summit MinistriesOctober 3, 2019 source 113800
Apologetics The Unexpected Way to Effectively Make Your Point Stand to ReasonMarch 11, 2019 Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason shares the third step in the game plan for sharing your Christian convictions with others. #StandtoRea... 6800
Apologetics What Is Science? Define Your Terms Stand to ReasonJanuary 28, 2019 Apologetics Tip #2: Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason encourages Christians to understand the two definitions of science in order to a... 1100