Tainted Heroes: Communist Terrorists in South Africa (ANC)
Full Documentary on South Africa, Nelson Mandela, African National Congress, Communism
In this excellent film by the civil rights group AfriForum, viewers will learn the truth about the African National Congress (ANC) of Nelson Mandela, a leader in the Soviet-backed South African Communist Party. This is what the lying media and the globalists did not tell you.
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Anc has destroyed south africa and they will just blame white people for it. SA going be a 3rd world country soon cuz the ANC
Wonderful documentary. Wish it was shown in the Western world to show the useful idiots of the 1980s had badly the ANC have messed up things.
for any of you who love communism but never have expirienced that in socialist nation: never follow that path
The terrorist child rapists and child murderers of the ANC time is over,
Apartheid started this…Every person who was envoved in apartheid must be charged for crime against humanity…Apartheid is more worse than the NAZI regime…Apartheid is the worst evil man have ever organised…Apartheid came from Satan himself…
Much love. from Kgosi Nkili Makoe ii. R.I.P Steve Biko who bought peace among all, ending the degeneration of our parents growing generation.
Wow…we have been through a lot.
😂😂lies in this documentary yhooo.
The documentary is educational. I'm very disappointed that our leaders chose to go after their own first instead of attacking the monsters behind the system our parents were subjugated to. I read the comments and see what the European descendants think of Africans and yet some are they still in the country.
European people, please understand that your system of governance was just as sick as this corrupt system we currently live in. Rather we all work together to better South Africa, I mean we've learnt to tolerate your racism after all.
The west should evacuate all white people and leave the coloured to their fate,,,,, Starvation!
This documentary may cover the dynamics of the South African struggle, but doesn't cover more on why the opposing struggle was necessary in the 1st place. Ultimately when conflict erupts there is very little that leaders can do to avoid collateral damage from all sides. Apartheid was at the centre of the conflict bottom line.
So government diploid mostly black solders loool
Viva Communist Viva ANC FUCK the imperial colonialism and their descendants
what proparganda! So biased. I was not surprised at the end to see that Afriforum was behind this documentary. The aim of this documentary was to demonize the anc and the liberation movement
The figures released last week show half a million whites have been murdered under ANC terror reign.
Does not matter who does the oppression they are children of Satan wether they are white or black being part of the human race is to value life. The now SA government are corrupt bunch of money grabbing dictators who care nothing for its people or their quality of life. Hatred is promoted by the the now government. Where is the difference between them and the government they sought to overthrow? Lots they have murdered hundreds of thousands of people 10000% more than the previous white government. Burning the schools kept African people ignorant making then easy to deceive and control.
I can reveal intricate facets of the ANC. let me leak something most of all of what the and says is a lie. they are criminally insane. they were useless in combat, couldn't manage their funds and was completely a generic excuse of something that would get the mercy of the communist nations assisting them
Yes he was a Communist. That’s why he wanted freedom for his nation and his people.
Don't forget the party of Chris Hani and Slovo founders of the SACP & also I stand with the CPS-ML
It also re-enforces the necessary steps the ANC took to freedom. The propaganda is so clear such that the interviews of Nyanda and Kasrils are not interviews of this documentary but snapped from other doccies
More than anything, this documentary shows the racist posture of Afriforum and selling out of Buthelezi
Viva communism
Bloody terrs
This is a great documentary in Exposing the History and The Origins of One of The World's Most Corrupt and Vicious Organizations The ANC.
The ANC Is a Rothschild, Communist and Mossad Creation That Has Destroyed South Africa Today.
AfriForum is a white supremacist organization. This is racist propaganda. Thank goodness for "communist terrorists" who fought to overthrow Apartheid. Sure, ANC is a corrupt joke today, but they, along with their allies and peers, did what they had to do to overthrow one of the most notoriously oppressive and racist governments of all time!
The story of Evil leaders is a World Problem. Not Black and White. White people have this notion that their Leaders are better at Governing just because they are white. We are just facing the same evil but different faces. We cannot fight that War when you Deny a Race of people a Voice coz it allows evil to Grow. South Africa today is better because everyone has a Voice. That's just one hurdle, next one is equality then we can tackle Corruption and other evils that come with Civilization.
Many South Africans black and white believed that they were better off under apartheid.
uh huh..yeah I doubt this seriously. Also, Madiba was not, despite the attempts of "films" like this, a part of the South African Communist party-and clearly. Some can never come to terms with the evil that was apartheid, and how people have a right to determine their destiny as free people.
Thanks soo much very educational !